Creative Infographic Resume Template with Cover Letter

Ever wondered what makes a Human Resources department call someone or send an email to schedule an interview? Or how does a recruiter get in touch with a job applicant after being able to know that this person is perfect for the job? Or how does a job seeker get into the market place and is able to stand out among hundreds of job applicants? The answer to all of the questions is – a creative resume and cover letter.

Never, by any chance, forget that a resume and a cover letter are a person’s only aid to make an impression in front of his potential employer and well, no one would want to ignore the importance of an extremely creative resume and a very well composed cover letter.

If you are planning to apply for a job or your client wants you to create a stunningly attractive resume for them then waste no more time as we have designed this creative infographic resume template with a cover letter for you.

This design template is available in different formats which are listed below;

  1. Microsoft Word Doc
  2. Docx
  3. Illustrator Ai
  4. Photoshop PSD
  5. Indesign INDD and IDML
  6. CorelDRAW CDR
  7. EPS
  8. PDF

And the size of the resume is A4. This design template is easy to purchase form our website and can be then downloaded and edited according to the professional and job’s requirements. The design is created as an infographic to give a nice presentation of everything which in important for an employer to know about his future employee. Not only that – the icons, colors, sectioning and other design elements make this design engaging.

Also, do not forget that there is a lot of room to experiment when it comes to a resume design. Edit this template the way you like it and we are sure that this will get you or clients the job of their dreams.

Creative Infographic Resume Template with Cover Letter

File Formats: Ai, EPS, PSD, PDF, CDR, DOC, DOCX, INDD & IDML


First Version: (MS Word Formats DOC & DOCX)

Second Version: (All 9 Format Files)


  • Resume Template Size: A4
  • File Type: Microsoft Word Doc, Docx, Illustrator Ai, Photoshop PSD, Indesign INDD & IDML, CorelDRAW Cdr, EPS & PDF
  • Software Version: Illustrator CS6, Photoshop CS6, CorelDRAW 11, Indesign CS6
  • Resolution: 300 dpi
  • Color Mode: CMYK
  • File Size: 3.5 Mb / 10 Mb
  • Zip File Format: 7-Zip (Only Opened with 7-Zip)
  • Lemon Milk & Larke Sans


  • Download All Files as well


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